Moufid Fawzy: Amr Diab has no voice, just muscles. "Video"

The Egyptian journalist, Moufid Fawzy, attacked his fellow artist, Amr Diab, criticizing his voice and accusing him of not participating in any national events related to his country.

Fawzy said on the "Kalam Al-Nas" program, that Amr Diab "may appear with a beautiful girl, and his presence is only social, but he has no voice, I do not hear him, and he did not participate in any national event related to the country."

Mofeed Fawzy continued about Amr Diab: "He is muscular, funny, and his presence is social, but only muscles. Before that, he presented patriotic songs, but did not achieve an echo, and he is not like the singer, Ali El-Haggar, who is considered valuable."

Fawzy added sarcastically to the presenter of the program, "The artist, Mohamed Mounir, sang "The Joy of Upper Egypt", but do you think that Amr Diab is primarily interested in what is happening in Upper Egypt? Achievements, forget."

Amr Diab sparked controversy recently after an advertisement in which he appeared was accused of harassment, and the advertiser was quick to delete the advertisement.

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